Foshan Tiangang Technological Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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  • Main Products

    Color steel sandwich board ,Purified composite board ,Hospital clean board ,wall panel ,roof panel ,Glass magnesium sandwich board ,Rock wool glass magnesium sandwich board ,polyurethane sandwich panel ,polyurethane sandwich wall panel ,EPS sandwich panel ,Beijiang Glass Machinery ,Extruded sandwich board
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    North America , Eastern Europe , Southeast Asia , Mid East , Northern Europe , South Asia , Domestic Market

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Foshan Tiangang Technological Manufacturing Co., Ltd

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Best Products about Color steel sandwich board , Rock wool sandwich board and Glass magnesium sandwich board

Company Profile

  • Foshan Tiangang Technological Manufacturing Co., Ltd
  • Foshan Tiangang Technological Manufacturing Co., Ltd
  • Foshan Tiangang Technological Manufacturing Co., Ltd
  • Foshan Tiangang Technological Manufacturing Co., Ltd
  • Foshan Tiangang Technological Manufacturing Co., Ltd
  • Foshan Tiangang Technological Manufacturing Co., Ltd
  • Foshan Tiangang Technological Manufacturing Co., Ltd
  • Foshan Tiangang Technological Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Foshan Tiangang Technological Manufacturing Co., Ltd

  • Color steel sandwich board ,Purified composite board ,Hospital clean board ,wall panel ,roof panel ,Glass magnesium sandwich board ,Rock wool glass magnesium sandwich board ,polyurethane sandwich panel ,polyurethane sandwich wall panel ,EPS sandwich panel ,Beijiang Glass Machinery ,Extruded sandwich board
  • North America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Mid East, Northern Europe, South Asia
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Foshan Tiangang Technology Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in Gaoming Industrial Park, China, the introduction of domestic and foreign advanced production line equipment, is committed to create color steel sandwich board partition wall, ceiling ceiling and roof tile board, movable board house, wall, prefabricated building, canopy, shed, steel structure factory manufacturing, sales and installation, sandwich board mainly includes the following EPS foam board, glass magnesium board, Magnesium sulfide board, rock wool board, glass wool board, silica board, extruded board, polyurethane board, gold board/agold bubble board, paper honeycomb sandwich board, aluminum honeycomb board, etc.; Tile board mainly includes the following sandwich color steel tile board, glass wool tile board, extruded tile board, phenolic tile board, polyurethane tile board, silica tile board, real gold tile board/ageless tile board.

Foshan Tiangang Technology Manufacturing Co., Ltd. relying on the original Yongyu steel structure more than 20 years of strong management platform and long-term accumulated user reputation, combined with their own years of machining experience, close to the pulse of The Times, invested heavily in the introduction of the latest equipment, to provide customers with satisfactory products and intimate service, is the most advanced production sandwich plate modern production enterprises in South China. The production base is located in Ming Town, Gaoming District, Foshan City, covering an area of 50000 square meters, more than 250 employees, daily output of 20000 square meters.

Foshan Tiangang Science and Technology Manufacturing Co., Ltd. adhering to the "quality first, reputation first", the purpose of the company in the past 24 years, independent research and development, production, sales, processing of various types of purification color steel sandwich board, purification hollow glass magnesium color steel plate, purification rock wool color steel plate, purification glass magnesium rock wool board, color steel corrugated board.

The company has a large production base and long-term cooperation customers in the domestic, domestic and foreign developed countries of scientific research laboratories, hospital operating rooms, biopharmaceutical workshop, photoelectric microelectronics workshop, new energy workshop, food health workshop and other clean areas of fine cultivation and deep production

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